Subspace Partitioning through Data Decomposition for Outlier Detection

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Gouranga Duari
Prof. Rajeev Kumar


Decomposition for complexity minimization has long been a challenging approach. This paper presents a data decomposition approach as a pre-processor for outlier detection. The decomposition of the data using subspace partitioning makes homogeneous sub-groups. Consequently, it reduces the complexity of data patterns by isolating possible outliers into the sub-groups of monolithic character. This approach creates sub-groups of homogeneous data points based on the fitness of purpose. They optimize the outlier patterns in the sub-groups for subsequent mapping of outlier detectors onto the sub-groups. This decomposition strategy is found to be effective in reducing the complexity of learning for the detectors without deterioration in the overall detection rate. We experimented with this approach using different benchmark detectors on eight benchmark data sets. Our data decomposition approach is superior for identifying localized patterns in the partitions and offers a better generalization.

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How to Cite
Duari, G., & Kumar, R. (2024). Subspace Partitioning through Data Decomposition for Outlier Detection. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 23(1). Retrieved from
Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence
Author Biography

Prof. Rajeev Kumar, Jawaharlal Nehru University

Rajeev Kumar is a professor of computer science at Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi. He holds PhD degree from Univ. of Sheffield and Master’s degree from IIT Roorkee. Earlier, he was a professor at IITs Kharagpur and Kanpur and BITS Pilani. Prior to his academic tenure, he worked as a Scientist in Dept. Science & Technology (DST) and Defense R & D Organization (DRDO) in India. He has four decades of experience in research and teaching. His research interests include machine learning, scientometrics, multimedia and software systems, and evolutionary optimization. He has published over 200 peer reviewed research articles in international journals and conferences. He authored several public policies for higher education in India.


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