Analysis of Software Design Artifacts for Socio-Technical Aspects
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Software systems are not purely technical objects. They are designed, constructed and used by people. Therefore, software design process is not purely a technical task, but a socio-technical process embedded within organizational and social structures. These social structures influence and govern their work behavior and final work products such as program source code and documentation. This paper discusses the organizational, social and psychological aspects of software design; and formulates the context, aims, principles, and techniques of socio-technical software analysis. An illustrative case study demonstrates the application of the socio-technical software analysis method for estimating the extent of code sharing within programmer groups using the proposed Social information sharing metric.
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How to Cite
Damaševičius, R. (2007). Analysis of Software Design Artifacts for Socio-Technical Aspects. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 6(4), 7–16. Retrieved from
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