Tone Mark Restoration in Standard Yorùbá Text: A Proposal

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Franklin Oladiipo Asahiah
Ọdẹtúnjí Àjàdì Ọdẹ́jọbí
Emmanuel Rotimi Adagunodo
Funmi F. Olubode-Sawe


Restoring diacritics have for the most part relied either on the letter (grapheme) or the space-delineated linguistic block often referred to as word as the lexical focus item. The usage of letter for Yorùbá text was often adduced to resource scarcity and the underlying model being language independent. On the other hand, the lack of sufficient contextual information for tone mark restoration using letters was cited for the limited performance of letter-based models. Thus, another research proposed the usage of the word as lexical token for restoration of tone marks in Yorùbá text. The result of this existing word-based tone-mark restoration approach did not indicate any improvement over the letter-based approach despite a larger training data. This situation might be due to the resource-scarcity problem. In this paper, we therefore proposed an alternative approach that is expected to address the twin challenges of resource scarcity and contextual insufficiency for tone marks restoration in Yorùbá text in particular and resourcescare tone languages in general. This approach is also expected to be linguistically sensible. It tried to relate the tone marks restoration task to orthographic function of tone marks in the text to the positioning of tone within the linguistic units of the language. We propose tone marks restoration for Yorùbá text based on using syllables as lexical focus or simply syllable-based tone marks restoration for Yorùbá text.

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How to Cite
Asahiah, F. O., Ọdẹ́jọbí Ọdẹtúnjí Àjàdì, Adagunodo, E. R., & Olubode-Sawe, F. F. (2017). Tone Mark Restoration in Standard Yorùbá Text: A Proposal. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 16(1-2), 8–19. Retrieved from
Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence
Author Biographies

Franklin Oladiipo Asahiah, Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife.

He is a Lecturer I in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and current research focus on Natural Language Processing and development of language resources for local Nigerian languages.

Ọdẹtúnjí Àjàdì Ọdẹ́jọbí, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife

He a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. He leads the Computational and Intelligence Systems Research Group and his research covered Speech and Language Processing.

Emmanuel Rotimi Adagunodo, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife

He is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. His research work has covered several areas including Natural Language Processing, and Information Systems

Funmi F. Olubode-Sawe, Federal University of Technology, Akure

She is an Associate Professor in the General Studies Unit. Her research interest is in Linguistics and Language studies.


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