A Comprehensive Analysis of Virtual Reality Applications in Healthcare

Main Article Content

Hermenegildo Woropo Albino Paiva
José Gelson Golçalves
Demostenes Zegarra Rodrígues
Renata Lopes Rosa


Abstract. Virtual reality (VR) has revolutionized the healthcare sector by introducing new methods of
diagnosis, treatment, and medical training. This article presents a comprehensive analysis of VR applications
in healthcare, exploring its advantages, challenges, and impacts. The review includes case
studies and relevant literature, highlighting areas such as rehabilitation, surgical training, and exposure
therapies. The results indicate that VR can enhance the effectiveness of treatments and the quality of
medical training, offering immersive experiences that benefit both patients and healthcare professionals.
Despite the promising advantages, challenges such as cost and specialized training remain. Future research
should focus on developing more accessible solutions and expanding VR applications in medicine
to ensure broader patient access to this revolutionary technology.

Article Details

How to Cite
Woropo Albino Paiva, H., José Gelson Golçalves, Demostenes Zegarra Rodrígues, & Renata Lopes Rosa. (2024). A Comprehensive Analysis of Virtual Reality Applications in Healthcare. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 23(1). Retrieved from https://infocomp.dcc.ufla.br/index.php/infocomp/article/view/4449


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