Performance Analysis for Contention Resolution in Bulk Flow TCP Routing to optical IP Networks through Simulation
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This paper describes some methods for contention resolution in bulk flow TCP routing in optical IP network through simulation. The various domains such as wavelength, time and space with respect to bulk flow TCP to resolve contention are studied. The results show that the flow based transmission under wavelength domain exhibits only the probability of contention is 27%. At the same time, the contention can be resolved to maximum of 97% when we increase the flow size. This also shows a significant improvement in performance that is the percentage to resolve contention on an average touches more than 80% when the system operates under lower wavelength region. The results also reveal that the probability of occurring contention is only 47% for a transmitter load of 0.7. But in the case of byte based transmission, the probability of occurring contention is 63% for the same transmitter load. We have also studied the packet loss rate, flow loss rate for fixed size and variable size flows. For a transmission of 200 packets, we achieved a flow loss rate of 0.038 for a variable size flow and a flow loss rate of 0.043 for a fixed size flow. But in the case of packet transmission mode, the packet loss rate is 0.063.
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How to Cite
Parthasarathy, V., Anandakumar, P., & Rajamani, V. (2009). Performance Analysis for Contention Resolution in Bulk Flow TCP Routing to optical IP Networks through Simulation. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 8(2), 95–101. Retrieved from
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