Process Management Oriented Qualitative Verification for Multi-Agents Reactive Decisional Systems
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A Reactive system is one that is in continual interaction with its environment, and executes at pace determined by that environment. Due to their complex nature, reactive sistems are extremely dificult to specify and validate. In this paper, we propose a new formal model for verification of such systems using Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). This approach considers a Reactive System as a Reactive Multi-Agent System consisting of concurrent reactive agents that cooperate with each other to achiebe the desired functionality. BPMN is used as verification tool in order to verify the systems behaviors. Finally an example of an application of the approach, and its assiciated support tool, is mentioned.
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How to Cite
Berrada, M., Bounabat, B., & Harti, M. (2007). Process Management Oriented Qualitative Verification for Multi-Agents Reactive Decisional Systems. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 6(4), 27–35. Retrieved from
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