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This paper investigates the problem of requirement interactions which occurs due to negative relationships between requirements when developing software systems. This paper presents IRIS-TS (Requirements Interactions using Semi-formal methods - Tool Support) which identifies and detects requirement interactions using semi-formal methods in any software domain. IRIS-TS is implemented as an independent add-on module that can be added to DOORS (which is one of the most famous and commonly used requirements management tools). This paper presents also a case study in which the proposed IRIS-TS approach was successfully used as an add-on module in DOORS to detect interactions between smart homes requirements which represent a new application domain for interaction detection. The presented case study is the first comprehensive effort to fully detect interactions in the smart homes domain.
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How to Cite
Shehata, M., Eberlein, A., & Fapojuwo, A. (2006). IRIS-TS: DETECTING INTERACTIONS BETWEEN REQUIREMENTS IN DOORS. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, 5(4), 34–43. Retrieved from
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